Hos LANARS håndterer vi alle aspekter av mobilapputvikling for iOS, Android og Flutter. Vi forenkler prosessen for å levere høy-kvalitets, innovative apper med smidige brukeropplevelser.
Vi tilbyr fleksible samarbeidsmodeller som tilpasses dine prosjektkrav, og sikrer effektivitet i alle faser
Ideell for startups – denne modellen tilbyr et klart budsjett og tidslinje med definerte krav, som sikrer et produkt av høy kvalitet uten overraskelser og iterasjoner
Med et dedikert team får du en gruppe eksperter som kun fokuserer på ditt prosjekt. Denne tilnærmingen gir større samarbeid, fleksibilitet og kontroll over utviklingsprosesser, tilpasset dine behov
Denne modellen tilbyr maksimal fleksibilitet, med betaling basert på faktisk tid og ressurser brukt. Ideell for prosjekter med skiftende krav, som tillater justeringer under utviklingen
Vår utvikler på forespørsel-tjeneste gir rask tilgang til ekspertstøtte, og tilbyr spesialiserte ferdigheter når du trenger dem, enkelt integrert med ditt interne team
Utforsk tilbakemeldinger fra våre fornøyde kunder
The app is currently being tested with a 500-member focus group, earning an 87% satisfaction rate. LANARS handled most of the project management and kept key decision-makers in the loop with Jira.
The vendor skillfully and effectively provided development services. LANARS' development quality and strategy are high. Dedicated, flexible, and positive, their team efficiently develops the product. The project management was handled by the client.
The company was pleased with the app, which was stable and performed well. LANARS' workflow was effective, and they communicated regularly with the client through Slack. They provided clear and concise answers and were highly committed to completing the project on time and with high quality.
We worked with LANARS on multiple projects, they are very helpful and always deliver the expected results. Their work is excellent!
The client is a company facilitating a platform leveraging captive audience marketing in waiting areas which helps companies to generate leads. They partnered with LANARS for developing a marketing platform which includes different components such as the Web, APK i.e. Android and it is also compatible with tablets.
The company was pleased with the app, which was stable and performed well. LANARS' workflow was effective, and they communicated regularly with the client through Slack. They provided clear and concise answers and were highly committed to completing the project on time and with high quality.
Apple's programming language for building apps on iOS, macOS, and other Apple platforms.
Objective-C is Apple's older programming language used for building apps, known for its dynamic runtime and object-oriented features.
Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS development
Native framework for building iOS apps.
Declarative framework for building user interfaces across all its platforms using a declarative syntax.
Framework for handling asynchronous events by processing values over time, using a declarative approach.
Framework for managing and persisting data in iOS and macOS apps.
Lag et estimert budsjett ved å velge teamet for appen din og foreløpige tidslinjer, som gir et klart utgangspunkt for planlegging
Her er svar på spørsmål våre kunder stiller.
Tjenester fra start til slutt, fra konsept til lansering, inkludert støtte og oppdateringer etter lansering.
Ta kontakt med oss for spørsmål eller forespørsler. Vi er her for å hjelpe!