Teknologi, casestudier, jobber … det er alltid noe!
Flutter fordeler for nyoppstartet selskaper: Applikasjonsutvikling for kryssplattform prosjekterFlutter er en av de mest brukte stablene i apputvikling spesielt i kryssplattform miljø. Sammenlignet med andre innfødte apper som har vært til stede og brukt av utviklere, her en noen grunner til hvorfor du kan bruke Flutter til å bygge dine apper.Les mer23.06.2021
De 15 viktigste trendene innen webutvikling i 2021Hvilke store nettstedtrender bør du vite om i 2021? I et marked som er så konkurransepreget som det digitale, er det viktig å kunne forutse endringer og lære å tilpasse seg dem. Bli kjent med 15 webtrender for de kommende årene, og møt tiåret fullt utrustet!Les mer08.04.2021
Hvor mye koster det å lage en nettside (offisiell guide for 2021)Å lage en nettside kan virke enkelt. Du tenker kanskje: "Alt jeg trenger er et par sider, litt info og et kontaktskjema". Så begynner du å tenke over det hele. Design, brukervennlighet, funksjonalitet, tekster, hvordan klientene skal kunne kontakte deg, hvor du skal få hosting og så videre. Hvordan velger man et byrå for en slik oppgave? Hvordan gjør man et nettsted populært? Hvordan fyller man inn nok SEO-tags, men samtidig unngå at Google blokkerer deg? Det er mye å ta hensyn til.Les merJoin Andrey from our team as he takes you on a quick tour of the essential equipment we use here at LANARS.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other physical objects aimed at collecting and sharing data based on sensors, software, and network connectivity. These smart devices range from simple household appliances like smart thermostats to complex machinery and transportation systems used in industries. Due to the interconnection of devices, the IoT enables them not only to exchange data but also to perform various tasks autonomously. Users can monitor environmental conditions in farms, manage traffic patterns with smart cars and other smart automotive devices, control factory machines, and processes, and track inventory and shipments in warehouses. In addition, the IoT brings benefits to society by enabling the implementation of government policy. It is represented by allowing further control of electricity demand and fluctuating supply or minimizing waste of such critical resources as water.
As 2024 comes to a close, we’re excited to look back and share the highlights of this challenging and exciting year at LANARS. Scroll through to discover our memorable moments 📃
Our frontend department prepared an easy tool for linear and radial gradients implementation.
Grateful to British-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to attend ‘Building a Global Brand’ alongside City Football Group and other esteemed colleagues. As always, the event was impeccably organized and provided excellent networking opportunities! 🤩 #LANARS #LANARSteam #ITcompany
Have you ever wondered what tools make our projects come to life? Join Andrey from our team as he takes you on a quick tour of the essential equipment we use here at LANARS.